As research for writing the novel MOURNING DOVE, I’ve read more than 75 books related to global warming. I’ve connected with scientists across the globe, asked them questions, and read scientific journal articles they recommended. Sharing the results of this research will help in my battle against global warming. Move your cursor over each book shown below to see a very short description or opinion of the book. Click on a a book for a site where you can purchhase it. To see my detailed comments about all of these books, go to this site:
Shawn's Comments
I am using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other forms of social media in my war against global warming. If you want to help in this war, please retweet, share, follow, like, connect, and/or friend. Consider it as doing a small part in helping to save humanity from the ravages of global warming. Thanks. Shawn Oueinsteen